This program is run by Venture Forth International, assisted by Wild Medix. Before any fun happens, we ensure that all aspects of safety have been checked. All adventures are run by qualified guides who are registered with the Department of Tourism. We also have medics and doctors on staff who consult on our adventures and are available to students for consultation.

#1 priority

We do not go unprepared.
We evaluate all eventualities of a trip beforehand and ensure our students are skilled and have the right mindset before each adventure.
Our guides are constantly expanding their qualifications to ensure that not only do they comply with industry standards, but go above and beyond what is required.

Ever expanding

Expedition Gap Year is about finding who you are, and then growing with the power of adventure.
We all have our comfort, adventure and danger zones, and you will get to know yours and how to operate in each zone. The mission for the year is to channel you towards your greatest potential. Do not become just another number.
